Monday, April 9, 2012

So, that's what I did last Monday. Knives are sharp kids; make sure you're paying attention when you are using one!
I figured since I'm obviously not gonna be working for a bit; I'd take a minute to post my annual update. Lots of excitement happening right now!
We're moving! We bought a house! It's big and old and pretty and there's a huge yard for playing and bonfires and parties and gardening. Closing is on April 30th, consider yourself invited over for a housewarming party! We're pretty excited about this. It's a place that will be ours and we can do what we want with. It's an old house, built in 1915 but it's only had one owner (well, the grandson of the people who had it built owns lives there now but it's been in the family the whole time.) It's been kept up beautifully. Tons of oak trim everywhere, the dining room is pretty fantastic looking. There will be lots of pictures posted once we get in and start getting settled.
October is coming! We've kind of stalled on wedding planning since we started house hunting but we'll be getting back into it full swing now I'm sure. We have the location and caterer decided but that's about it. Dusti is trying to find the right dress and I'm trying to convince myself that I will enjoy being all dressed up and fancy!
Work Lots of frustrations, but I think there's some good potential for me there. I've also got my wheels spinning on some other ideas; and still holding out for my goal as a professional lottery winner or internet celebrity!
The vicodin is starting to kick in, and typing without a middle finger is kind of hard so I think that's all for now. Maybe I'll be back soon, gonna try to keep up on this blog thingy. I have some plans on what I would like to do with this thing.
Peaceoutside, I'm off like a prom dress.

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